Tuesday, September 4, 2012

using windows command line smartly

We had a case where 10000s of image had to be moved on multiple folders based on certain criteria on windows7 OS. We found a smart way to do the same, without writting any special program to finish the task. We used window command line to accomplish the task. below is the command.

cmd> FOR /F \"tokens=1,2\" %G IN (filelist.txt) DO move %G %H

Here is how this work.

1) In order to work this command, we created a file with image path and their respective destination path called filelist.txt seperated by space. The file content looks as follows.

abc.jpg c:\images\100X100
def.jpg c:\images\50X50

2) After this we reached to directory where this file is located using command promt.

3) Fire the above command. Relax and enjoy your drink, it's all done.

This work like shell script in Linux . It loop through all row in the file and execute move command to move file form existing path to destination path.

tokens=1,2 means the argument list in the file.
%G = Any charecter to assing value of first parameter in the file. It can be any charecter like A,B,P,Q etc.
%H = successive charecter to represent other arguments in the file.

This way you can loop through any command and accomplish your task without writing  any program. Let me know if you find this useful.

1 comment:

Web Development Company Chennai said...

Nice blog.. Thanks for sharing this blog information with us…