Friday, October 9, 2015

Window command line task scheduler

You can schedule a task to run certain programs from command prompt of windows. You can end or delete the command created by you.


Enables you to create, delete, query, change, run, and end scheduled tasks on a local or remote computer. Running Schtasks.exe without arguments displays the status and next run time for each registered task.

 ex : schtasks /create /tn "test" /tr "calc.exe" /sc MINUTE

/tn is the taskname
/tr is task to run.
/sc is for schedule

Above command creates a task with name test which run every minutes and open window calculator.

Similerly you can delete the task you have created.

schtasks /delete /tn "test"

This command delete the task test.

For more info you can follow window task scheduler  help page.

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